A Letter from Chris Suarez
Chart the Path
March 23, 2020
Good Morning Xperience,
I woke up this morning around 3 am and felt the need to write to each of you. There are certain times in our lives when hours seem to go faster and then slower and then faster again. There are times in our lives when days begin to blend and it is easy to lose track of exactly where you are in the week or the month. There are times in our lives when one event started and another event ended and yet we can’t determine or remember either.
This is that time. As I reflect during the early morning hours of Sunday March 22nd, it’s difficult for me to remember when things began to change. Was it this past Monday? Was it the Friday before? Was it two Monday’s ago? That in itself is unique and makes this different. I remember without a shadow of a doubt 9/11, that Tuesday morning on September 11th, 2001. I remember very clearly the beginning of the Great Recession on September 29th, 2008. You see, I have an incredible memory of specific events…
I remember events as an adult, as a teen, as a child, even as a baby that people tell me are impossible to have a memory of. I remember the days I met some of the most important people in my life. My first interaction with Katie Benson 17 years ago. The first interview I had with John Powers 11 years ago. I remember the day I met my wife 16 years ago and then married her 15 years ago. The day I welcomed my daughter Lanna into the world 11 years ago and the day I held my daughter Lilly almost 10 years ago. I remember the day we lost our unborn baby boy 12 years ago. I remember more clearly than I’m supposed to the car accident that I was in that took my mom’s life almost 39 years ago. And I remember the day my dad remarried and I welcomed a new mom and a new sister into my life 34 years ago. I remember my first day as a Team Leader of an office that has become a family. And I remember the day five years ago that Ben Kinney and I first thought up the idea of a company that has now become our brand new PLACE.
Every one of these things was an event. It was a day where one thing began, or perhaps one thing ended.
Where we find ourselves today however is not an event. This is our new reality. Many are calling this “uncharted territory”, and in fact by definition it is. That leaves only one thing to do. Be the one to chart it. Chart the path.
It is time to lead. I have often told you that my definition of leadership is “bringing someone down a path to their preferred future”. By definition then we are unnecessary as leaders if there are no people to bring down that path…or if the path is clear with no need for a guide.
There has never been a more important time for us to step into, grow into, or lead into our roles as leaders. Leaders within our industry, leaders within our offices, leaders within our teams, leaders within our families, leaders within our marriage or relationship, and leaders within ourselves. Chart the path from our current reality to our preferred future.
This may be “uncharted territory”, but we have countless historical examples of incredible leaders that were the first to chart new territory. From well-known names such as Polo, Cortez, Columbus, Lewis, Clark, and Magellan…to some lesser known such as Hudson, Hillary, He, and Bly. You now stand ready to be that incredible leader. This is what we have been working for. This is what we have prepared for.
In our industry a phrase showed up a few years ago that needs to be retired. That phrase was “Take Territory”. Perhaps a motivating, somewhat testosterone filled charge at the time. Now is not the time to “take” anything from anyone. Rather my belief has always been that if we chart the path into new territory, others will follow. Other will benefit by the path you have cleared. And other will join and partner with you on the clear path thru the previously unnavigable territory. This is that time. Chart the path and lead your people. Grab their hands and bring them with you. Leadership doesn’t mean that you always do the right thing or say the right thing. There are often times switchbacks and recalculations and adjustments as you clear the path within new territory.
Leadership doesn’t mean that all will agree with that path you are clearing and direction you are headed. I have experienced and received both incredible thanks and incredible criticism over the past couple weeks. Here is my continued promise to you: I will continue to lead and chart our path with our values as true north. I promise to lead with our people as true north.
Bring calm and quiet to the panic outside. Remember, the word panic comes from the ancient Greek god, Pan. The myth says that Pan possessed a voice so loud, that when ancient Greek gods were battling a group of giants, Pan’s holler was so overwhelming that it would instill fear in the gods’ opponents, causing the giants to run away and hide…aiding to their eventual victory. It was said they would “feel in unreasoning fear.” There is no place for that fear here. There is no time for that fear here. Quiet the shouting and hollering. Be the voice of a true leader now.
At 8:30 pm on September 11th, 2001, then President Bush delivered an address to those he led. He shared a Psalm that has stuck with many since then. One version of that Psalm read: “Though I walk in the valley of deep shadow, I fear no harm, for you are with me.” It later adds, you “reassure me”. That Psalm refers to the ultimate leader of course. But today, lead that way. Be with your people. Reassure your people.
Thank you for being my partner.
Have no fear of harm.
I will be with you by your side.
Be reassured.
We will hike thru this valley together, and we will find the top of the ridge, and it will be the best view you have ever seen.
Yours in growth and partnership,
Chris Suarez